In recent months, we’ve spent time discussing the differences between the various types of EB-5 visas, as well as the advantages of the EB-5 visa. However, although this investment green card option can be a great choice for those looking to invest, live, and work in the United States, it is also important to understand the disadvantages and challenges that are associated with this choice. Today, we’ll look at three challenges of the EB-5 investor visa to keep in mind when examining your immigration options and when going through the visa application process:
- It requires a large investment. This visa requires either a $800,000 or $1.05 million investment, depending on where you invest. This is a significant amount of money, no matter where you hail from – and even if you have enough funds, you want to make certain that you have enough financial stability to live comfortably after your investment. Also, keep in mind that there are other fees and expenses involved in securing your visa and moving overseas.
- It involves a certain amount of risk. Everything in life has an element of risk, but you can argue that the EB-5 visa comes with more risk than some other immigration options in some cases. Remember that all investments come with the risk of losing what you put in, and the EB-5 visa requires a substantial investment. It is possible that your investment doesn’t work out or that your investment does not meet the needed requirement at the end of the two-year period.
- It can be difficult to research investments. It’s hard enough to decide upon a sound and smart investment in your own country – it can be even more difficult to research business and projects in the United States when faced with a possibly unfamiliar or second language, as well as other differences (such as cultural difference and legal difference). Many people will want to take advantage of your investment, and it can be a challenge to make the best choice for you and your family.
The disadvantages of the EB-5 visa are not insurmountable if you have the money to invest and are confident of your business acumen. Our immigration attorney can help you with several of the challenges listed above, especially when it comes to navigating the application process and understanding how to make an investment that is right for you. Call Jatoi & de Kirby, A.P.C. today to speak with a lawyer and better understand your options.