Published on 03/10/2016
Hello, I’m Vaughan de Kirby. Today I wanted to quickly warn you about some scams in the immigration world. There’re three basic areas: one is the web, which we’ll talk about; the other is the telephone, and then the last is the storefront. Let me go over some of the warning signs that you’re going to want to consider.
Web-based Immigration Scams
The No.1 thing you need to look for is is the person online that you want to rely on licensed? If you see a claim or an affiliation with USCIS, it is fraudulent. One thing is don’t pay for USCIS forms, because they’re free on the USCIS website. Some websites try to sell you something that you can obtain for free. Never, and I repeat, never enter personal information on an online site, whether it’d be for immigration or any other reason. The Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, also known as the Green Card Lottery, the only way to apply for this is the official government process. Don’t let the scammers tell you there’s any other way. USCIS will not call you or send you an email regarding the DV Program.
Telephone Immigration Scammers
USCIS will never call you and request personal information. Never give your passport or social security number to any caller, whether it’s immigration or otherwise. Their tactic is the caller says there’s a problem with your immigration status, they’re calling you supposedly from USCIS, to correct your record. Don’t fall for this. It is fraudulent.
Storefront Immigration Scammers
Certain times a year, sometimes all year long, you’ll see storefronts with signs like “Green Card and Work Permit Fast!” Don’t fall for it. They’ll ask you to pay for a special expedited, a fast path to obtain your immigration benefit. Generally speaking, this is fraudulent. Don’t fall for it. They’re happy to take your money, but they’re not going to be able to deliver an expedited service.
Take a look at the chart that you’ve just seen again. Don’t fall for any of these scams. And the best advice I can give you is to make sure whoever you rely on for your immigration advice is a qualified experienced immigration attorney. I hope this was helpful.
Please let us know if you have any questions or need help. You can call us at 415-221-3500 or contact us here.