Health Conditions That May Prevent Entry into the U.S.

Published on 11/17/2015

Hello, I’m Vaughan de Kirby. This is something that has come up frequently that we haven't done a video on, and I thought I would explain this area, and that’s the health conditions, the diseases that may prevent entry into the US. They’re very limited, and they fall into three definable categories.

One is what we consider highly contagious diseases. I’m sure that this is something that won’t concern you, but it’s good to know what diseases might in fact preclude you. These are highly contagious and it’s logical that the American government would say if someone had a highly contagious disease, then it would not be in the US’s interest to admit them as an immigrant, so that's why these are designated that way.

The next one are what’s called quarantinable diseases, diseases that require that they be quarantined. This is similar to the communicable diseases, but they’re specific in number.  It’s also important to understand these as active. In other words, if you had one of these diseases in the past, but it was not active at this time within your bodily system, this would not preclude your entry.

The final category are diseases that have been reported as of international concern to the WHO. And again this is a list of certain diseases. One thing you should know is that HIV was on the list of diseases that would prevent you from entering to the US, however it has since been removed now that we know more about HIV.

I hope this was helpful. Thank you!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or call 415-221-2345.

Vaughan de Kirby
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San Francisco California EB-5 Investment Immigration Attorney


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